Sunday, March 18, 2007


I'm worried that I don't have much time to study at school now because I will graduate from college soon. I think I'll really miss everything in the college. I never know how much I love study until I have the chance to back to school again. English has been my favorite subject since I was in senior high school. I'm glad that I could major it and meet so many nice teachers in the college. I won't give up learning more and more about the language. I want to improve my English much more as well, and no matter where I will go. I won't stop studying unless I can't read anymore. It's really good to keep study while I am alive.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Unforgettable Experience

On Feb. 18
it's a very special day for me
it is my first time to swim with the dolphines..
I'm not a good player for sports
actually, I am weak on sports
however, I overcome my fear
I jumped into the ocean pool, it's deep more than 7 meters
my friend held me to avoid I am drowned
I swam in the pool with dolphine
I leaned on his fin and speed
I had a good time with the dolphine
I drank a couple salty water but I don't care
I had a good time with the dolphine
I won't forget the rare moment in my life