Friday, September 22, 2006

How do you come to SJU?

Do you remember the day of signing school? Saint John's University was my first aspiration but my score was on the edge of it. I couldn't forget the signing day that I was so nervous, waiting in the class. It sweated on my hand and face; my heartbeats jumped as the fastest train. “Will I fail or pass?” I murmured. After we were asked to wait in the center. I saw the counter on the board of each school. SJU: 20 available, 19 available, 18…, It almost gone!

I want to study in Saint John's University for the reasons: SJU is a university relative to the Christianity. I think SJU is the best school for me to go because I am a Christian. For another reason, I was working in Dan-Shuei few years ago; I like the environment very much.

Finally, it was my turn for singing; I prayed I could study in SJU but the counter showed me there was no more vacancy for me. While I was going to give up and choose the other schools, I heard the conference announced “Hold down please, there is a student released.” They got one more vacancy for SJU. How amazing it is! How incredible that I got the opportunity! I am the number 50th of Department of Applied English in SJU. Thanks God!

No doubt I should praise my Lord, and I also want to tell all of my classmates, I’m so glad to study with you! We have less than one year could study together, I will treasure our last year and our friendship. Thanks all of you for giving me great time here.
PS. The photo is copyright by my friend.


At 11:51 AM, September 24, 2006, Blogger DENNY said...

What a grateful person you are through the favor Lord gave you.

Surely, we ought to cherish the affinity we had, because this may only be in this period of studying.

Wish we could cherish our friendship.

At 12:17 AM, October 01, 2006, Blogger Grace said...

When we are thankful, we are happy. What a happy person you are!

At 4:08 PM, October 02, 2006, Blogger DianaChang said...

Keep your good nature and you will be appreciated wherever you are.

At 1:52 PM, October 04, 2006, Blogger Vivian said...

I still remember when I came to SJC at the first time, you sit next to me, you told me that you work at are a 7th grade student.

I hope we can cherish our friendship, you, Denny, Jessie, Joselyn, and I .

God may bless you



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