Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Do you know what I am waiting for?
It's one of the most important days for a year......

It's the day I been born from my mother.That's right! After 12 o'lock tonight. I will start my new beginning. I feel sad because I'm getting older. It's really ridiculous; when I was young I wish I could be old; but now when I'm getting older, I wish I cold be young forever. I think some of you may as same as I thought. However, I couldn't change anything from God, but what I could do just try to be a better what I am.

If I could have a wish, I hope all of my friends and my family will be healthy and happy, include me! One thing I really appreciate that I received a birthday card from Canada which my friend sent to me. It really touches my heart. It makes me got a thought “There is nothing to regretful while you are always in someone's mind.”


At 12:05 AM, October 25, 2006, Blogger Grace said...

Hey! You are not old! You are still VERY YOUNG!



At 11:56 AM, October 25, 2006, Blogger Vivian said...

Happy birthday~~Angela


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