Saturday, December 23, 2006

To Be Understand

I do what I do by my faith. I've never intention to gain any feed back. Until one day, one of my friends said that she really thanks for what I've done to her. It fairly surprise and touch me because I do nothing but she gives me more. Certainly, I know that the person who is really understand me. It reflects a sentence from the Bible to me as well...
“As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.”--《Proverbs 27:19》

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Picture Story I--The White Sand Bay

On 18th Nov. 2006. It's a lovely day with lovely weather; I went to White Sand Bay with my best friend Monica. It our first time been there, we didn't know the way that how we can arrive to the destination but we did it. We were in a very strange road but we loved the challenge. It took us about 20 minutes from S.J.U to the beach .

After we arrived to the beach, we still needed to walk through a long stairs. Finally we saw the beautiful sea. The wild ocean and the wave, I felt delighted and had a deep breathe. The air smelled salty and sticky. Monica and I were looking for some shells but we failed, however, we were absorbed in the beautiful white sand and attracted in the ocean view. We were traced by the ocean wave, we laughed and screamed. I hadn't being felt such relaxed for a long time. We took a lot of pictures and left our name on the beach. Until the sun came down, we started our way home.
Even though the time passes by, I won't forget the blissful moment I had at the beach.


I love rainbows, the colorful bridge on the air.
I love colorful things.
Different colors display different moods to me.
Red, yellow, blue or green, the basis colors mix and create.
As if life is.
Rainbow is engagement and promise.
Bless the Creator builds the world beautiful.